Thursday, May 13, 2010


In the shattered reflection of the Past I dwell,
Was it memories or feelings, it’s hard to tell;
My mother’s cry, my father’s hell,
My sister and I have a story to tell.

Ages passed by, the road was our haven;
A dime, a coin; amongst none we were mistaken,
Inedible trash, unfathomable living;
Oh, poor soul don’t worry,
My sister and I are far from complaining.

It was few years to crawl out of adolescence,
an angel, a beauty, my sister;
my neighbors cried of insolence.
I worked all day, I worked all night;
my master’s glory, my mistress’ pride;
It was a dream that did not pass by.

It was one day, when that sire arrived;
accustomed to our presence,
on the street he stopped by,
A limo, the sire, in formals with a tie;
My master, my savior, my mentor in disguise.

A sister to take pride on married my master’s son,
a wonderful proposal, a beautiful wedding,
oh, what a joy was my master’s son.

The day of the past, a horrifying day;
My mother’s scream, a dreadful tale;
My father’s blade, my worst nightmare;
A fatal stroke, and the world went stale;
My mother’s body, the ceiling did she stare.

The sire was dying, lying bare on the road;
Another tale of murder, as a stone so cold;
I ran and ran, till I found a van;
I couldn’t save my mother,
couldn’t bear to see another so sore.

We all have difficult times I say,
May not be the past that I share,
Give up, grow up, life is a puzzle per se;
Change is persistent, misery is not;
Auxesis my friend, is how we live on.