Wednesday, May 20, 2009

WE exist Beyond Ur Reach

The Darkest corner of the Hell
opened me up into this world
I lay confused..
Writhing on the streets of Pain
Eyes wide open..
Yet sight obscured..
Heart right in there
yep seeping blood
The Irony of my State
Or the Tyranny of this world
It's all the same..

A Soul so Human
yet so Inhumane
The world of wrongs
Was what its world had become
The Entity so sure of going back to Satan..

HE has the Power to wreck the Sane
What will SAtan do to cure the Insane!

The Bizarre state of this Soul
The ghastly appearance of Its restlessness
Lead the way to The Door......
'Ur Time is Up..
Ur Home is Hell...
A Soul that Heaven shall NeVeR bore'

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Hover

when malarkey seems everything
when wants become speechless
when weary is the debonair
when loving is diffident
when hope seems despondent
when thoughts are hackneyed
when reasoning is abnegating
when existence is defying

the ratiocination is The Hover

you scarper this cognition
and you lose your identity
you confront
and the life's rein is yours