the evil world’s Sinister,
enthralled my love,
i was convicted,
and my life on earth ended.
the journey was lonely,
i missed that company..
days passed,
as if it were years,
my Death was a Solitary Life,
I wish...
i had with me my ‘Pride’.
it was just few days back,
when i was seen with my beloved lass,
we were lovers,
no less than others,
what if, we were found together,
we also had a right,
to commit ourselves to each other.
no mortal understood this,
she said, “It’s not a common world’s deal,
let the World Err,
and fend the truth of our relationship so pure,
we’ll not deter,
and will live forever, for each other.
we are each other’s pride,
and one day I’ll be your bride.”
even today, her words are as fresh,
as the pleasant honeydew,
it reminds me of her serenity,
as ethereal as eternity....
and then the dark hours came,
i regret not what happened to me,
it’s her destiny that’s worrying me,
no matter if they held me by their weapons,
no matter if my eyes were laden with hot tears,
no matter if i bled to death,
no matter if my life ended,
and i’m in Hell, not in Heaven...
what matters to me is..
Her Destiny,
Her life,
that’s bereaved of my company.
i am not in Heaven,
and even i should not be,
i am convicted of ruining her life,
i ought to deserve this,
and i’ll bear it happily,
ONLY for my beloved,
whose future lies beheaded,
only because of me.
if only had i cared for the consequences then,
if only my love was not so selfish then,
she would have been happy,
even at this very moment ,
she would have been leading a life,
all so very pleasant,
if only....
now i can’t do anything for her,
but can just wish for something better,
if i asked for my living again,
i know, it’ll not be rendered,
i can just ask for something better,
not for me,
but for my Darling Feather,
i just wish she’ll live forever,even without me.......
happily ever.
let her forget my memories,
if her life’s bereaved of me,
it should be bereaved of every such thing,
that reminds her of me.
that’s the best that i can ask for her,
so that she lives her youthful treasure,
to the ultimate Utmost Pleasure.
what if, i’m not there,
it does not matter,
i know there’s a lover,
who’ll love her more than she can dream of,
after my repose- that’ll last forever.
and, if he falters at any juncture,
she need not worry,
coz’ i know the Almighty will grant me with this;
i’l ask for being with her forever,
let Him not gift me my living,
i’ll ask Him for my life...
and ask Him for one favour-
for my soul, my life;
for ‘Her’ sake, if her mortal lover ever wavers,
He’ll embellish ‘his’ love,
by piercing my soul once and forever
To give out its unparalled love,
to the heart of that mortal lover,
so that, my ‘Pride’,never faces a sodden strife,
but, be the bride,to the love of this Immortal’s LIFE,
which’ll live forever,
only to flourish HER life.
Aakanksha Verma.